Exporting CSVs Using Phoenix
Phoenix is the de facto web framework for Elixir, and it’s quite common to need to export CSVs from a web app. Let’s have a look at how this works in Phoenix.
We’ll be using Phoenix 1.2, with the CSV package to get everything going.
Adding the CSV package
First, we need to install CSV – the package is good for both encoding and
decoding CSV files so it will handle all the heavy lifting for us. Add the
following to mix.exs
defp deps do
# The rest of your dependencies will be here
{:csv, "~> 1.4.0"}
Once this is done, run mix deps.get
and we’ll be able to use CSV in our app.
Working with CSV
Before we create our endpoint, let’s have a look how CSV
works. Here, we’ll be
working with a list of lists, as this translates directly to the type of data
that CSV.encode/2
is expecting. A quick example of how this works:
raw_csv_content = [["a", "list"],["of", "lists"]]
|> CSV.encode
|> Enum.to_list
|> to_string
raw_csv_content # => "a,list\r\nof,lists\r\n"
Let’s break down what’s happening here.
First, we take a list of lists and pass it to CSV.encode/2
expects a stream of data in a tabular format, and encodes it to
RFC 4180 compliant CSV lines. If you don’t know what RFC 4180 is, don’t worry, I
didn’t either, but I did some googling and found the Common Format and MIME
Type for Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Files specification. Great!
Since CSV returns a stream, we need to turn it back into a list. Streams are
great for working with large datasets, but are more complex and worth an entire
post in themselves.
The list we get back from Enum.to_list/1
looks like this:
["a,list\r\n", "of,lists\r\n"]
Each of the items in it is a CSV row, so to make the entire CSV, we could write it to a file, or in our case, we’ll send it along as the response from our endpoint.
Let’s create the endpoint now.
Creating our CSV controller and endpoint
The first thing that we need to do is add an endpoint to the router. For this
example, we’ll add our own controller called CsvController
with the action
First, let’s define the route:
scope "/", ExampleApp do
pipe_through :browser # Use the default browser stack
get "/csv", CsvController, :export
Now, when we make a get request to /csv
it will hit the export
action in our
At this point, your app won’t compile, because we haven’t made the controller. We’ll do that next.
Create a new file at web/controllers/csv_controller.ex
that looks like this:
defmodule ExampleApp.CsvController do
use ExampleApp.Web, :controller
def export(conn, _params) do
|> put_resp_content_type("text/csv")
|> put_resp_header("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=\"A Real CSV.csv\"")
|> send_resp(200, csv_content)
defp csv_content do
csv_content = [['a', 'list'],['of', 'lists']]
|> CSV.encode
|> Enum.to_list
|> to_string
This is the whole thing – if you stop now, it’ll work. Visit /csv
in your
browser and you’ll find yourself downloading our very important CSV file. 😉
Let’s talk about what’s happening. If you look at the private function
, you’ll notice that it’s the same thing we were working with in
the Working with CSV
section. It turns the list into a
string of CSV rows.
The stuff we haven’t seen yet is happening in the export
function. Because
we’re not sending back a normal HTML response, we use put_resp_content_type/2
to set the Content-Type
header to the correct MIME type – text/csv
. Then, we
use put_resp_header/3
to set the Content-Disposition
header to specify that
it is an attachment, with the filename A Real CSV.csv
Finally, we send the response, with a 200
status (or success), and the
stringified contents of the CSV itself.
In this endpoint, we’re using two functions from Plug directly. You can read
more in the docs for each – put_resp_content_type
docs, and put_resp_header
Regarding put_resp_header
You may have noticed that we’re passing a lower case "content-disposition"
header name to put_resp_header
. This the recommended approach with Plug, as
the docs say:
It is recommended for header keys to be in lower-case, to avoid sending duplicate keys in a request. As a convenience, this is validated during testing which raises a
if the header key is not lowercase.
Using Plug like this illustrates how easy it is to dig down to the lower level functions that allow you to do extremely powerful things without much effort.
Linking in a template
Last but not least, we’ll want to link to the CSV exporting endpoint. Pop this code into a template, and now all your end users will be able to download CSVs!
<%= link "Download CSV", to: csv_path(@conn, :export) %>